Blinkies Sporting

Grab my Blinkie *********~~~~~~~~~******* License


I've had some messages from people who would like to download my kits/clusters and can't because they are unable to click on the "Download Link". This often happens to me when I visit other blogs. I'm a chrome user and I sometimes have to switch my browser to Internet Explorer to be able to click on the downloads. Also, another thing that helps me when a blog looks out of order is change my settings to view the page at 90% and that usually fixes the problem and I can view the blog the way it should be.
Hopefully this will help you.

If you are still having problems and/or have question please email me - .Thank you so much.
Hugs, Peace
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FTU CU TOU/Tutorial Writers

FTU CU TOU - You may colorize, resize or accesserize my Free to use CU Products. You can not resell as invidual items. You may add them to FTU or PTU kits.
No Credit needed but is appreciated.
A thank you when downloading is always appreciated.

Tutorial Writers
You are more than welcome to use my kits in your tutorial, all I ask, is that you give a link back here to my blog. Please share small freebie kits as a whole. The Larger kits, you can upload what is being used in you tutorial to a share file, in addition to a link back here to my blog.
If you have question please email me -

Thank you so much.
Hugs, Peace



Friday, May 30, 2008


Hi Everyone... Update on my RL issues. It sure has been a whirlwind of events. First, I want to thank all for your thoughts and prayers. I do sooo appreciate each of you. As most know my mother has been really sick. She is still hanging in there, but she is on a respirator and dopped up on heavy doses of morphin. The dr's say it is a moment by moment situtation. So thier outlook of for my mother is grim. Please, I ask for you to continue to keep us in your prayers. I trust the Lord will watch over my mother and family through this. In addition to this the family with whom we have been living with, an elderly couple in there early to mid 70's, whom I have been helping to care for the paralized elderly man. The 73 yr old man(Carl) died on May 23. I was there in his last moments. It was a peaceful death and now he is at rest. His wife is doing fine and she has asked us to continue to stay here with her. I was close to Carl so it was difficult to watch him die and I do miss him. However, I am glad that he is now at rest and no longer suffering. I am greatful to the Lord for allowing him to die with out any additional suffering. Life has surely been a experience and I continue to strive with the help of Jesus Christ. hugs, Peace


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